International Timber’s Intelligence range kicks off – hardwood case study

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International Timber’s Intelligence range kicks off – hardwood case study

Following the exciting run-up campaign, International Timber (IT) has officially launched its Intelligence range as products hit the shelves!

International Timber’s first load of stock was delivered last month and we’re already seeing some intelligent shoppers.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the new brand, Intelligence requires International Timber to look at the problem that our customers have and engineer a solution using the highest specification possible along with accredited supply.

Every single product is entirely bespoke, dependent on the customer’s pain points.

To give a little more clarity, we thought we’d share this case study to showcase exactly how Intelligence works:

Problem & solution

With the ever-increasing prices of oak, a customer contacted us to see if we could provide a solution to their problems. They and initially been using solid, hardwood American White Oak door posts in two machined sections:

32 x 107

32 x 122

Due to increase raw material cost of the oak, they asked if we could offer a laminated option with a two-piece lamel of a 15mm in Oak and 17mm in the Scandinavian Red Pine to make this section more cost effective. This we are now producing in Door Set appropriate lengths of 2.1 + 2.4mts.


International Timber’s Intelligence products performed beneficially in a number of ways for the customer:

  • They’ve saved on manufacturing time due to their light-weight nature
  • They’ve saved on money as the customer is no longer paying for one specific, more costly oak
  • They’re offering the same amount of stability that oak offers thanks to strategic and thoughtful engineering processes, but at a fraction of the cost
  • They’ve been given the desired natural aesthetic properties that you’d expect to find in the traditional joinery and mass-produced market, ensuring British standards are kept at a high and our customer’s brand name is kept intact

International Timber managed to resolve these issues using Intelligence. By producing a product that had the same high-quality appearance through lamination to another species, it gave the finished product a lighter feel and handling solution, and it is through this process we achieved a cost-saving product. This has allowed our customer to focus on production of their high-quality products, saving them time and money. An intelligent solution!

Are you ready for an Intelligent journey?

Intelligence makes use of hardwood, softwood and any other timber that will act as a solution to your problem. Before you settle on a choice of timber for your next project, see if there’s a more ‘intelligent’ option.

If you have any other questions regarding Intelligence, or wish to speak to us about any other wood working issues, get in touch and we’ll be able to help you out.

Oh, and don’t forget to follow us on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook to keep up to date on all the latest timber news!

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